to re-release ‘Accessible Web Sites’

Cover design of Accessible Web SitesA few months back, a number of computer publishing houses went bust, among them Glasshaus, Friends of Ed and Wrox Press. One of the books that might have disappeared as a result was Accessible Web Sites, on the Glasshaus imprint, but thankfully this has been picked up by Apress who will be re-releasing it some time in July. The company already offers another book on the topic of accessibility - Accessibility for Everybody: Understanding the Section 508 Accessibility Requirements.

This is a good move, and certainly good news for all the authors concerned - Jim Thatcher, Paul Bohman, Michael Burks, Shawn Lawton Henry, Bob Regan, Sarah Swierenga, Mark D Urban and Cynthia Waddell. It’s also vindication for ex-Glasshaus boss Bruce Lawson who, when proposing the book, got the reaction: "What’s the second book - Web Sites for the Dead?". It just shows that there’s life in this topic yet!

Filed under: Accessibility
Posted by Ian on Tuesday, June 10, 2003

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