1-Day Ajax Training Course - With Accessibility in Mind

I’ve just heard from Andy that the Clear:left chaps are holding a 1-day training session in London for Ajax. Now, I know that they know their stuff, but I was compelled to ask "will it cover accessibility?". After all, a poorly thought out Ajax application is a potential recipe for disaster where web accessibility is concerned. Here’s what Jeremy had to say in response:

Pretty much the entire thing will be based on "Think before you do
anything!" with multiple warnings about the dangers of excluding
people/devices that don’t support JavaScript/Ajax … It seems that most of the Ajax tutorials/workshops out there are
based around using frameworks to accomplish cool techniques. This one
will be different. It’ll be about writing code for yourself and
constantly asking if it degrades gracefully.

I suspect that they’ll sell out on this one quite quickly, so don’t wait too long if this looks like a good opportunity for you - ‘cos you might just miss it.

Filed under: Accessibility
Posted by Ian on Thursday, November 24, 2005

1 Comment

  1. So says Anonymous

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    Added January 10, 2006 at 10:27 pm

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