Let us test a web page speed and audit all its critical elements.
See all existing bottlenecks, errors and issues.
Get free tips on how to improve website speed and performance.
Test how well a site loads and identify the slowest elements.
Find out if a page has Open Graph description to look good in social media.
Find out file sizes of HTML, JavaScript, CSS, images and optimize them.
Discover how many websites are using the same IP address.
Identify how far away a website's user base is located from its actual server.
Learn whether a website has up-to-date SSL certificate.
Define whether actual language on a page matches the claimed parameters.
Learn how many different requests were made to render a web page.
If this is your first visit here, we recommend you check out the following:
Use the tools and wizards section (specifically the accessibility tools page)
Latest updates
The new accessibility screencasts section, demonstrating accessible techniques in action (as well as video examples of how to use some of this site's tools).