RNIB brings UK’s first action over site accessibility

As spotted on New Media Age today (a friendly hello and thanks to Will Cox from Sheffield Hallam University for flagging it up).

The Royal National Institute of the Blind is bringing the UK’s first case against companies under the Disability Discrimination Act for failing to make their Web sites accessible to people with visual impairments. The move, which comes during the European Year of Disability, is a watershed in the development of online services in this country.

Although the RNIB can’t release details of its action, digital development officer Julie Howell confirmed it’s supporting several individuals in discrimination claims against a number of companies. We’ve brought cases against a number of firms but I can’t say what stage we’re at, she said.

Howell said RNIB’s procedures for tackling issues brought to its attention didn’t automatically result in legal action, but the DDA had armed it with the power to support individuals in taking such action. Industry observers have been anticipating a DDA Web accessibility test case for some time and the RNIB, a leading campaigner on the issue, has made no secret of its willingness to be involved.

Filed under: Accessibility
Posted by Patrick H. Lauke on Thursday, July 3, 2003

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