The Guardian covers website accessibility and the DDA

Following on from Jack Schofield’s scathing rant in The Guardian in late July against ignorant “Decorators with keyboards” who produce inaccessible, nonstandards-compliant websites as the norm (”I would love to see a few designers thrown in jail…”), Cliff Joseph has written an excellent non-technical overview of the implications of the DDA for owners of corporate websites:

Access all sights
If your company has a public website, it needs to be accessible - and that’s the law.

Companies running websites that throw up barriers to disabled users could soon receive a startling reminder of their responsibilities - in the form of a lawsuit demanding they defend their designs in court.

(Read the full article)

Yet another wake-up call for site owners and developers alike. And yet more ammunition for those of us who struggle to get “the message” across in a tough commercial climate — which really means presenting a compelling and robust business case for accessibility and standards-compliance as a specific goal. Evidence in print like this should help.

Nigel comments: Nice one Dennis, good stuff.

Discussion of: The Guardian covers website accessibility

Filed under: Accessibility
Posted by Accessify on Wednesday, September 10, 2003

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