British Standard for recommended best practices and use of accessibility metadata

Taken from Seb Schmoller’s monthly mailing.

BSI has set up a new panel to develop a new standard on e-learning accessibility. Andy Heath of Sheffield Hallam University has been appointed to convene the panel which will oversee the work. According to BSI, the first steps in this work will be to scope the project and prepare a proposal for consideration by BSI. To this end an open meeting is being held at Sheffield Hallam University on Monday 24 May at to begin work on the project. More details are contained in BSI’s summary [160 kB PDF].

Rich Media Accessibility

While searching for the correct media type for a PDF I came across the NCAM Rich Media Accessibility site which looks well built and seems to have a lot of useful information. Never did find the media type for PDF so if someone know please drop me a mail.

Filed under: Accessibility
Posted by Accessify on Friday, April 16, 2004

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