Spotted in today’s BBC News:The Royal National Institute of the Blind (RNIB) is getting a make-over and is dropping the ‘man holding white cane’ from its logo:
It said the current design suggested the charity was only for the blind when in fact it helped the partially sighted and works to prevent blindness.
“The logo as it stands promotes the idea that we are a charity that only helps blind people rather than also partially sighted people.” [Ciara Smyth, head of communications at RNIB]
The article also revealed that the RNIB is changing its marketing pitch from “helping you live with sight loss” to “supporting blind and partially sighted people”.
Given that many people on the fringes of web accessibility equate accessible web sites/pages with those that can be used by blind users, it will be interesting to find out whether this re-branding filters down and changes these perceptions.