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Accessifying for iPhone

One of the things I wanted to do with the rebuild and restyle with Accessify was to make it a little more slimline in terms of HTTP requests (in other words, fewer requests for style sheets that are not needed - one CSS file to do the lot) yet still support other devices. I have to confess that while there is just one CSS file (which has a far future expires cache setting on it so as not to cause needless reloads), which does include screen and print styles, I’ve only really taken care of the mobile display on the iPhone, mainly because that’s what I use and have found easy to test on!

I saw this article regarding style sheets for mobiles today (thanks to Brucey and Twitter) and it prompted me to share some of the tweaks that I did for iPhone friendliness. The key thing was not to massively redesign the site’s look and feel for a specific device, but rather give certain elements a notch up or down in size to make them usable for those small pointing devices that you and I know as fingers. So, for those interested in doing something similar, here are a few notes and doodles

A bit about the CSS

I’ve not implemented the suggestions in the article linked to above (I only discovered the link), but will almost certainly revise my approach accordingly. I did, however, use the media type using the max-width property to pass iPhone-specific style overrides to that device:

@media screen and (max-device-width: 480px)
	#primarynavigation {font-size:3em;}
	#blog_search {display:none;}
	etc etc

The effect on the design

The thumbnails below link through to larger, annotated images (PNG) format, showing how subtle changes to font size can make the site much more readable/usable on a small screen device but without ditching the entire style sheet. Depending on the style of your site some of this may be easily do-able, some of it may not. Your mileage, as they say, may vary.

Simplified search area and larger body copy

The search area on Accessify was simplified for iPhone and pared back to its bare minimum. Likewise the tiny syndication links (to Twitter et al) were removed also. Some might argue that this is wrong as I’m hiding functionality, but it’s not critical functionality (in my opinion). Also, the body font size is boosted for easier readability:

Firefox view of search area iPhone view of search area

Footer categories - font size boost

At the end of the news page is the list of Wordpress-generated categories and archives. These were almost unusable on the iPhone without first zooming in and then making use of the world’s tiniest finger, so it was time for another font size increase:

Firefox view of footer categories iPhone view of footer categories

Not just accessify …

I’ve also been trying my best to apply the same treatment to other sites that I have ticking over, for example the book support site (which has been around for a couple of years now). I recently updated that a little and found that while it generally rendered OK, it could also benefit from some font size boosts. In particular, the tab navigation elements which work fine on a normal desktop browser were somewhat lacking. For the iPhone I opted to change these tabs to buttons that sit like a small stack of (rounded-off) bricks. Once again, a subtle change but just enough to make it more iPhone-friendly:

Firefox view of tabs iPhone view of tabs (rejigged as buttons)

So, like I said earlier, nothing too earth shattering here - just an exercise in giving your style sheets just the slightest of tickles to make the site markedly easier to read on a small screen device but without resorting to a completely different style sheet or no style whatsoever.

Now, I need to go back and read that article and see what I cab do for other handheld devices. If anyone can point me in the direction of some emulators that I can run on my Mac, I’d really appreciate it!

Filed under: CSS, Site Admin, Techniques
Comments (3) Posted by Ian on Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Colly’s new CSS book

… so new, in fact, that it’s not even out yet! I just wanted to take this opportunuity to mention that Simon Collison’s finished his hard work on a beginner’s CSS book for Apress. It’s available for pre-order on Amazon now. I will be doing a full review as soon as it’s out and I get a few minutes to put together something worthwhile (in other words, I’ll actually read it rather than skim-read and regurgitate the press release!). I’m hoping that the book fits quite snugly between my own book (a complete beginner’s book for HTML and CSS, web standards all the way) and some of the more advanced CSS books that show you all the nice fancy stuff that you can get creative with (for example, CSS Mastery or Bullet Proof Web Design). Whatever level it’s pitched at, I’m sure Simon has done a great job with it!

Filed under: CSS, Reviews
Comments Off Posted by Ian on Tuesday, July 25, 2006

New in Book Reviews - CSS Mastery

Just a brief heads- up - I have given CSS Mastery a (slightly overdue) review. For anyone who’d been debating whether to buy a copy or not, perhaps this will tip the scales a little.

Book review - CSS Mastery

Filed under: CSS, Reviews
Comments Off Posted by Ian on Tuesday, April 25, 2006