Belated Congratulations to ‘The Gardener’

I’ve said as much in private correspondence with all concerned, but
because of my current travelling antics I have been a bit slack in
saying the following in a more public arena:

Congratulations Dave!

I am referring to the South By South West (SXSW2004) Web Awards, in
particular the Developer Resource category, which this site
made to the final 5 nominations. The winner, as you almost
certainly know by now, was the CSS Zen Garden - which also
went on to win best in show.

I just wanted to say, belatedly as it is, that it was a real honour
to appear in the finalists list alongside the eventual double-winner,
but also to be there alongside Keith Robinson (Asterisk), who wore a
really cool over-the-top shirt to the finals (which kept me good
company in my Mambo Fighting Furry Animals shirt … but that’s another
story) and James Craig (Cookiecrook) who organised a
great dinner meet-up for all us CSS/web standards twonks. It was a long
way for me to travel to get there but I certainly didn’t regret it.

So, what sites are going to be the ones that get everyone excited
this coming year, and thus make it to next year’s finals?

Filed under: Accessibility
Posted by Ian on Saturday, April 3, 2004

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