Making PowerPoint Presentations Accessible

Just a quick mention for something spotted today at RNIB’s Web Access Centre Blog: Reading and presenting with PowerPoint if you are a screen reader user. Some good advice here, nothing too surprising - much of it is equivalent of how you’d treat HTML pages. I have to say that this is not a format that I’ve ever bothered to look into in terms of making accessible. Heck, I use Keynote on the Mac for my presentations, which renders my presentations much less accessible, but the next time I have to export my deck of slides to PPT format, I’ll have a fighting chance of making it more accessible using these tips.

Filed under: Accessibility
Posted by Ian on Thursday, August 23, 2007

1 Comment

  1. [...] presenting with PowerPoint if you are a screen reader user zeigt der Web Access Centre Blog (via Accessify), wie man seine PowerPoint Dateien barrierfrei [...]

    Added December 5, 2007 at 3:12 pm

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