Accessibility Tools & Wizards

  • Updated Accessible Table Builder - Create an accessible table using scope, header and id attributes using a wizard to guide you through the process.
  • Updated Quick Form Builder. A complete re-write/re-think of the old Accessible Form Builder tool. Give it a try!
  • Easy YouTube caption creator. Takes the pain out of creating closed caption files for YouTube videos.
  • Quick Page Accessibility Test. Here's a handly little tool that uses a bookmarklet/favelet to give a quick analysis of any web page, highlighting definite issues, warning about possible issues and also highlighting areas that could benefit from some ARIA enhancements.
  • ARIA Slider Generator - Need a slider control? Use this tool to create a fully accessible, ARIA-compliant slider with your own settings,
  • Skip Navigation Builder - Create skip navigation links that appear only when tabbed to but are hidden for mouse users; creates all the HTML, CSS and JavaScript required with customisation options.
  • Pop-up Window Generator - Create pop-up windows that are accessible and search engine-friendly.
  • Favelets - Little pieces of JavaScript that can be saved as favourites in Internet Explorer, Mozilla and Opera. You may find these useful for checking features of a page (for example, what links are present, images missing alt attributes etc.

Show additional archived content (which may no longer be up-to-date).

  • Accessible Form Builder - Quickly create a form with CSS or table layout, including all label elements simply by typing a list of fields that you need.
  • Form Element Generator - Lets you easily build individual form elements that are accessible (requires JavaScript to work).
  • Dreamweaver 4 Modifications - A selection of modified DreamWeaver 4 objects that offer better accessibility options, including <abbr>, <acronym> tags and additions of title, class, and id attributes on other tags. The <table> dialogue has also had a make-over, accepting a summary and caption attribute.