XFN (XHTML Friends Network) Link Creator

Link Details
XFN Attributes
Only one option allowed from the following groups:



Choose as many as you like from the following groups:


Links generated so far:

About this tool

I built this XFN-friendly link builder without realising that there was already an 'official' XFN link creator available. However, I didn't ditch this version because I believe it offers a few advantages over that tool, namely:

  • You can keep adding links to one text area to be copied in one go at the end (rather than copying after each link)
  • You can specify how each link is contained (for example in a <div> or a <li> and so on) and have this automatically written in for you to
  • After you submit, your previous settings are remembered, so you can create a new link without having to re-choose the attributes
  • You can also specify the title attribute for each link